Today, we are talking with Kathy Parry. Kathy is an author and keynote speaker. She is an expert on energy, resilience, and food. She’s also a veteran of the pivot process, having worked through it in the past with her coach.

Welcome to the SubscriptionMaker Podcast. This is your host Zachary Alexander, Enterprise Architect at Please hit the subscribe button where ever you get your podcasts so that you won’t miss any new episodes.

We are talking with Kathy is because this is the first time a lot of our subscribers are primarily working from home. The sudden shift to a more isolated mode of employment can disrupt a normally healthy lifestyle.  So, we want to talk with an expert about how we can head off any challenges that may lay ahead.

Big Takeaway

A Pivot can be very emerging if you are willing to listen to the people you serve. We can’t say that food and nutrition will be the x-factor that will power you through the current situation. We can say it’s hard to be energized if you are not taking care of your body and eating properly.  

This is your host Zachary Alexander. “Something Crazy” by the Particle House is the music track. You can find it at Epidemic Sound. Finally, you can contact me on